Download to Unlock Major Improvements Through Targeted DFX!

Download Insights from a DFX Subject Matter Expert
Developing successful new products from scratch is challenging enough, but what about improving on existing designs?
Many companies find themselves struggling to optimize the manufacturability, reliability, and serviceability of products that have been in the market for years.
By understanding these insights, you’ll be equipped to honestly assess your own products and determine if working with a DFX specialist could unlock significant untapped value.
Key Topics:
- What Existing DFX Clients do Well
- Leveraging Automation and Tooling
- Incorporating Diagnostics
- Optimizing Part Commonality
- Common Design for X Pitfalls
- Clinging to Breadboard Components
- Retrofitting for Cost Reduction
- Resistance to Innovation
- Supply Chain Oversights
- Unleashing the Power of DFX
The Download includes a Design for X Readiness Checklist to help you assess whether your organization could benefit from collaborating with a DFX expert